Tuesday, March 18, 2025

spring break stitches, year 4

for the fourth, i think, year in a row, we spent spring break in mexico with my husband's family. and for the fourth year in a row i brought "cheery (easter) quilt" with me for some handwork. this time it was the only handwork project i brought along, but i still didn't do much work on it. i did, however, complete the last of the lilac and melon colored boxes, so that's something to celebrate.

there's a pair of nail clippers in this photo because this year i accidentally left my snips behind. i started out packing my sewing things for the trip in my usual library bag, then switched it up to consolidate with my carry-on backpack. that's where the snips got left out. fortunately for me, the nail clippers worked. note to self for future travel where my snips might get snatched (like they did in sydney). 

other items of note from this quilt's spring break travels:

2022 - the handquilting gets started

2023 - i misplaced most of my colored threads, but i got the sunburst quilting done and did a photo shoot with the kinda completed quilt.

2024 - i found the missing quilting threads! yay! i didn't use them much, but they did make the trip. a lot of the handwork was done alongside my new little grandaughter.

granna at work, for once not making a horrible "quilter concentration face." this was because i was actually focused on someone cute nearby, not just the stitching. i'm smiling for fluffy.

i spent a lot of time with my grandkids this trip because their mama is pregnant again and needed the extra help. their dad was still doing schoolwork online while we were there, so i got a lot of time with the littles.

the aunties are really helpful, too.

 just look how cute her curls are getting! her hair is finally growing some and it's adorable.

we're home now and "cheery (easter) quilt" is actually getting more work done. i decided not to put it away quite yet, to see what i can do for it before next spring break. it's the main handwork project i have a the moment. sometimes i need a break from the other stuff in the photo - house design for the kitchen reno on our current home of 22 years, a house for our daughter's family, and our new home. whew. it's a lot. so i occasionally take a break to listen to a story with d5 and stitch.

since we are about to relocate to the LA area for a time as our older son receives medical treatment there, i just may have a lot of handstitching time on my hands and finish this off at a different beach than it's used to seeing.

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