
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

wip wednesday 2019.18

at the moment, i have three main projects in the works (not counting all the other bits and pieces of projects having a lie about) but none have been touched in a few weeks.

"maude's chevron peaks" is about 1/4 - 1/3 quilted in some simple modern loops.

"groovy summer love letters" is hanging out in the piano room waiting for some binding, which i can't seem to find a good fit for just yet. all folded up like it is, it appears to be a finish. shh. don't tell.

newest project: my latest liberty church lap quilt, "beauty for ashes," is halfway pieced with 11/22 rows completed.

in the above photo i also spy "etoile de patisserie," which need the quilting fixed before i can get on with the binding, but since it's been so many months since i even thought about that, i hardly even consider it a wip at all. my daughter would disagree.


  1. Three projects going is the way to go. I have 3 as well Kind of fun.
    Your quilts are very pretty. It is hard not to bounce from one project to the other

  2. Three beautiful projects. I go with slow but steady progress. I feel it's not a race but enjoy the ride kind of thing.


a kind word is always appreciated. thank you for your visit.