
Saturday, December 20, 2014

pile 'o fabric

 after i got my penny patch 2.0 all laid out and then made a baby penny patch, too, i needed a break from it for just a little while. so it sat for several days. i knew i should go ahead and get the top pieced and be done with it, but i didn't have a lot of time or even inclination to do that just yet. the mr was planning on taking the little kids to the zoo and giving me the day off last friday, so i thought i'd probably get around to it at that point.

but then some boys were kicking a soccer ball around in our large central hallway, adjacent to the dining room/sewing space and my design wall got hit. game over, for me at least.

it's been sitting there for about a week now. i don't even have the heart to go in and put everything back up yet. yes, i was mad and even teared up a bit, but this is life in a large family, life with children, life with boys. they are the more important piece of this equation. so i'll just sigh a bit, reassemble it when i get a chance, and get that top sewn together, hopefully before they strike again.

thank goodness i always take a layout shot to work from when piecing so i at least know how it's supposed to look and don't have to figure out the layout all over again. because that took hours!


  1. all that hard work - heartbreaking! but yes you must take it in stride - when you have a sewing room so close to activity of boys (or girls for that matter) you must accept accidents happen. So glad you had photos of your work - I grew up in a family of 8 brothers and 4 of us girls -- you need to lock yourself away in a private room to keep design walls right don't you.

  2. You poor thing - I would've teared up a bit too! So happy you have a picture to help you put it back together.

  3. maybe, just maybe, fate meant for you to alter the layout anyway!
    Mind you, I'd have shed tears too!!


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