
Monday, December 8, 2014

big baby

 my sister-in-law's baby shower snuck up on me. its this weekend and i didn't even have a plan for the quilt. when i thought about it, i decided to make the mod colored chevron baby quilt i nixed for a friend in the spring, but i couldn't find the pull for that quilt anywhere at all. how a pile of fabric gets lost around here is beyond me. maybe it's the gazillion other little piles everywhere?

so after about 30 minutes of fruitless searching, i came across the above birdy print and decided to use that as an inspiration piece and backing. the other fabrics unceremoniously thrown on the sewing room floor are my other choices to go with it.

 i didn't stop to do any math, just figured i should make large chevrons so as to get done more quickly. i simply went off the largest square cut i could get out of my quarter yard of the first fabric i chose to cut, which was 9". well, i should have done a little math because this first block turned out so big i can only fit about 6 of them in a baby-sized quilt. it's a behemoth 16+ inches. bigger has not turned out to be faster or better at all.

for a little perspective, here it is on the design wall next to my penny patch 2.0. now i'm in a design pickle and i just need it done for saturday.

also, i noticed once again how short my extensive stash is on low-volume blender pieces. i did try to find some more at the store last week, but my local store doesn't cater to them any more than my stash does. i think it's time to search on-line. anyone have a great source shop for low-volume pieces?


  1. I just did the exact same thing last week!! Used 12 inch blocks for table runners and toppers...worked ok though in the end. I am sure you will make yours work too! Looking forward to seeing a pic of finished quilt.

  2. Low volume eludes me. I love it when I see it in other quilters projects, but I don't know how to work with it. I can't see it in a store, I'm always lost. I hope you are able to find an online store that has what you need! (Sorry, I guess this isn't a helpful


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