
Monday, January 6, 2014

the last bits

just to drag christmas out a little longer since i missed out on so much of it whilst fantically quilting, i'm sharing the two christmas makes from my oldest girls.

d1 made doll dresses for her little sisters. well, the plan was to make one for each, but like many a good crafter, she waited until christmas eve to sew up that "quick" little make she wanted to gift. she was up all night trying to get just the one doll dress done. it turned out darling, though, and we look forward to it's companion making an appearance soon.

d2, another intrepid sewer, made me a small, decorative, gingerbread house pillow to go with the snowman pillow she made last year. she, however, was way ahead of the game and completed the gingerbread house pillow at the beginning of the month. it's been sitting, wrapped, under the tree, taunting me for weeks. i love her self-initiative and the rustic design she made all by her 11 year old self.

i hope the dress sees a lot of play in the days to come. the pillow, like the rest of christmas, is now safely tucked away until next year, when it will once again appear and remind us of christmases past.


  1. sweet dress and I adore the little gingerbread house! Sewing is in their blood. Very cool!!

  2. Awe, such sweet little handmades! I would want to keep those pillows out all year!

  3. What clever girls. I love both their little projects! Your card arrived today - you all look so gorgeous :-). Hope the sewing is going well ...

  4. What thoughtful little ladies. And definitely crafters born and bred. I think that dress is absolutely perfect and that little cushion is so cute I'd find it hard to pack it away after Christmas.
    E xx


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