
Friday, June 14, 2013

aussie blanket finished and delivered

 i was really hoping to get the new not-a-quilt completely done because whipping out a full project in just two days would have been amazing. but, alas, i have not. maybe if i hadn't been so busy blogging i would have. but what i did finish since last week was 4sq #18, for my nephew, dilan (or however they're spelling it). he hasn't actually been born yet; due next week. like many of my babies, he threatened to make his appearance early and his poor mom was on bedrest for weeks and weeks. and now he still hasn't come out. oh, the irony. i had one male child (the first one) do that to me. i definitely preferred it to the 5 siblings who followed him that did come early. oh, well, we take what we can get around here. and where did my rambling come from? baby blanket is done. i'll stick to that.

 my neice selected the prints for her new little brother. this was a really great fabric line. robert kauffman "down under", i think? or maybe micheal miller. hmm, i should check those selvages i'm always saving. clear, bold, mod patterns and cool-toned, but not boring, colors. i used the last yard of my favorite dot flannel on the back. i hope i can find more because it goes so well with a lot of fabrics. and i have more of this line in case there are any more little boys coming along.

i edged the blanket in a teal to match the crocodile in the animal print and one of the circles. actually, i found three different shades of blue that matched different aspects of the blanket. i'll save the other two for the other blankets. it's so nice to be prepared.

 i was going to shoot the blanket in this desert landscaped neighborhood association property behind our back fence because it looks rather rugged and aussie to me, or how i imagine parts of australia might look. but that required me walking clear around the fence and i was too lazy for that. i stopped in the front yard and used the sisoo tree bower instead. maybe some full-sized finish will inspire me to walk the whole distance some day, but a measly 4sq did not. (for the record, our property is less than 1/4 acre or there abouts. it would have taken me 27 more seconds to get behind the fence.)

i also included a pack of my favorite newborn diapers, pamper's swaddlers, with the blanket. i wrapped the diaper pack in the blanket, making sure to show different fabrics. i rather like the way it turned out. and it's a good thing i covered up those diapers, too, because looking at that pack of teeny, tiny newborn swaddlers makes me baby hungry. so many memories wrapped up with those nappies.

this may be my 18th 4sq, but i think it's actually the first one i've ever made and delivered before the baby came! how about that? i might actually be getting better at something.

linking up with crazy mom quilts for friday finishes!


  1. Your niece has great taste in fabric! did you say five followed your first??

    1. That was a bit confusing but I was trying to keep it short. 1st son, 2nd child was followed by 5 preemie siblings. 7 total. :)

  2. Love the blanket. So simple in design and practical in use. I'm sure it will be loved.

  3. Give his mom a hug from me -- bed rest is no fun at all. Those animal silhouettes are fantastic -- what a cute quilt!

  4. What a lovely gift. That fabric is great. And just so you know, that photo looks very 'Australia'. In fact, I thought you had nicked it from the interwebby to show your viewers! Us kiwis tend to spend a bit of time across the ditch - it's so close - and Brisbane has some great theme parks for a wonderful touristy holiday! Total non quilting trivia :-)

  5. Cute! I love that you wrapped the diapers in the quilt and that fabric is so fun!

  6. This quilt looks so soft and cuddly:) the teal blanket stitch is tops!!

  7. Gorgeous! Love those fabrics and the pretty blanket stitching :)

  8. On time and everything! What a great gift. Love the fabrics for a baby:)

  9. Perfect! What a lovely gift. I just finished a baby quilt with the same flannel on the back... isn't is so soft?!


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