
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


i've got to mention it again - i'm pregnant. it's kinda dominated my life for the past 6 months.what i may not have mentioned before is that my last 4 babies were premature by 4 to 6 weeks. this one will most likely be, too. i'm prepared for that and okay with it. yesterday my doctor put me on bedrest. so we've had to make some adjustments around here asap. i anticipate being able to handsew while i lay in bed, but my machine work will probably be put on hold just as i was getting back into it. thank goodness i got those 3 blankets to the point where i can do the blanket stitching on them! i didn't work on them at all today, but my kids did bring out their sewing boxes today while i was reading aloud to them as part of our school day. it tickled me happy to see them snipping and sewing away, letting out some creativity.

even my 7 year old son was stitching his first ever sewing project. think what you will about boys with a needle and thread - i think it's awesome. if nothing else, they will someday know how to mend their own clothing. he's making a pillow for one of his toys. (i'd tell you it's his little boy baby doll, but that might really be pushing your concept of his masculinity.)

he started his experience with sewing last year by experimenting on a piece of burlap in an extra-large embroidery hoop. (this idea came from amanda soule's great book, the creative family.) a tapestry needle is nice and large for little hands to hold, and pretty blunt, too. perfect beginner piece. the stitching is done with embroidery floss, which is good and thick, easy to see. i helped him get set up and let him stitch however the heck he wanted. the first couple of pieces were simply undone and started afresh when he got tired of that design. then i eventually nudged him to practice small stitches, which evolved into doing a basic design with purpose. he's messed with stitching on and off over the last several months. a few days ago, on his own initiative, he cut up some felt and tried to make a sleeping bag for his little fella. turned out he'd cut the bag too small, so it became a pillow. now he wants to make a sleeping bag.

my oldest daughter made yet another felt finger puppet creation during our reading/spontaneous crafting time. he's so cute! i neglected to photograph his perky tail on the backside. but isn't his eye patch darling? i just love the stuff they come up with.

1 comment:

  1. i hadn't thought about getting out the sewing stuff while I read aloud. Great idea!
    my son likes to push the baby doll stroller. all over the house. he usually has a quite the collection in the seat .. trains, balls, barbies. he likes to play with the girls' dolls, too. i don't discourage it. when (if) we are blessed with another baby i want him to know how to love on it!


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